Sunday, July 31, 2011

Recording Update #4: Bass, Keyboards & Vocals

Hello everybody!

So first off i am very sorry for the lack of updates. We've been very busy though. Both with shows and recording. Back in June we ran production for a show with Eleventyseven and played a show with them the next day which was amazing! Back in my and Blondy's Armory days we played several shows with those guys. Its always a pleasure.

Anyway onto recording news. We actually finished tracking bass about a month ago, we did it in ONE day! So that was pretty sick. Gotta give props to Jeff! We got a tone we were very happy with useing a SansAmp direct, as well as going through Jeff's live bass rig. A Gallien-Krueger 700RB-II bass head through a sweet old Mesa/Boogie 2x15 cab. We tried Jeff's 2x10 Boogie cab as well but we didn't like it as much.

So after a nice one day of recording bass we played a show somewhere. Honestly i don't even remember what show that was, but i think it was with our buds in Silversyde, and it was probably pretty fun! Seeing as i don't recall playing any Kardia show yet that wasn't a blast :-D Then the following weekend Amanda tracked all of the synth and piano parts. They turned out amazing!

And Amanda began tracking vocals. (in the post below this one there is a picture of Amanda tracking vocals yesterday). Lead vocal tracks are done for 5 out of the 6 songs we are recording! After the last song is finished we'll all take turns going back to do harmony/backing vocals, as well as a few gang vocal parts. Then we'll be doing a little re-amping with some of the guitars and we'll be done recording! And all that will be left will be mixing and mastering.

We've been working really hard to make sure everything turns out the best it possibly can and we are very excited for you guys to hear this album! We all honestly feel like it is the best project we've ever been involved in.

We've also been tossing around cover art ideas. A friend of Jeff and Amanda's did some sketchs for us and they look amazing! So keep your eyes open for that. Its gonna blow you away.

And also coming soon will be a video update of us recording guitars! Peace.


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